Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Post: An Introduction

To start things off, I'm Alissa. A few things about me: I'm your average "nerdy" girl. British television is my obsession as I absolutely love Sherlock and Doctor Who. Yes, Doctor Who. For some reason people think that Doctor Who is a "male" show, but I will have you know, I know plenty of females that love the show. Sherlock is fantastic in every way, considering Benedict Cumberbatch is my favorite actor on the planet and he and the rest of the cast do an amazing job portraying every single character. No, this blog is not about British television. Sorry to disappoint. Another thing I love is Harry Potter. I've loved Harry Potter since fifth grade and I have read every single book and seen every single movie a countless number of times. This blog isn't about Harry Potter either. Again, my apologies. I'm on my school's newspaper and yearbook staff and my job is to go to all of our games and other school events and take photos. I guess you could say that I'm "The Photographer." We'll get to that later. So there you go, I'm a nerdy teenage girl that is a self proclaimed anglophile with very large dreams.

Photography is kind of my "thing" if you want to call it that, or if you want to get more specific, it's my passion. I don't really do "staged" photography. I prefer to capture real, true moments because that's where you see the real, true emotions. This is the main reason behind why I want to go into photojournalism. This is where this blog comes in. Recently, I have been invited to attend the Washington Journalism and Media Conference, or WJMC for short. Basically, it's a conference held at George Mason University for high school students interested in journalism. Here, you get to meet iconic figures in the industry, and strengthen your skills in the areas of journalism. This is an absolutely amazing opportunity for me, as it will help me to be noticed by colleges and give me a head start in my career. As of right now, I'm working on getting registered and sending in information to be considered for a scholarship. I'm also working on coming up with fundraising ideas and finding sponsors that will help me out financially.

I honestly don't know if I'll have any more than one reader of this blog, (Hi, Dad.) but this is just for me to document my journey leading up to, and during, WJMC. We'll just say that it's for sentimental reasons.

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