Hey everyone! I guess people around my town are realizing that I don't just take sports photos; I have another job this weekend! Since I'm only a sophomore, and no junior/senior boys like me enough to ask me to prom, I'm going to be taking photos at a pre-prom dinner that my school is putting on. I'm pretty excited.
I finished my Daddy Daughter Evening photos and just got paid today, so I'm feeling pretty great. I just really like doing these photography jobs.
My end of course exams start NEXT WEEK. Someone hold me while I dramatically sob. All of my teachers are cramming information in my head because all the snow days we had put us about two weeks behind. In history, I've managed to learn about the 50s and 60s in two days. It's insane. And because everyone in my journalism class has done some major procrastinating (myself included) I am now writing a senior article a day. So in short, I have mountains and mountains of homework every night and my writing "juices" are running low.
The only class where my teacher doesn't seem too concerned about EOCs is English, because the English EOCs are pretty much always the same. English is my relaxation class. We've just finished watching the movie "Julius Caesar" which kind of leads up to where Shakespeare's play begins. And I'm really sad because for the entire movie, I was hoping that when we start reading, I could play Julia. But *SPOILER ALERT* SHE DIES! I'm really upset about it. I really liked Pompey too (if you're going to be learning about Julius Caesar and you don't want spoilers, you should probably just skip the end of this sentence), but the Egyptians chopped off his head (I honestly have no idea if that's historically accurate, so if you study ancient Roman history, don't complain to me if the movie got it wrong). Anyway, we're only on Act I Scene II, so we've still got a while to go until we're finished with the play.
Speaking of Shakespeare, today is his 450th birthday! But it's also his death day, so I don't really know what to say about that.
Here's the short summary of my life at the moment if you didn't want to read all of my rambling above: homework, photography, homework, journalism, homework, and
Julius Caesar.
-There are 81 days until WJMC-